New technology to save fuel!
A fuel-saving technology that enables savings wherever hydrocarbon fuels (diesel, gas, gasoline, kerosene) are burned while also reducing emissions into the atmosphere. This technology works in cars, airplanes, ships, power generators, and everywhere fuel is used in engines of any size with intelligent injection systems.
Operating principle:
Our technology achieves savings through the contactless structuring of the fuel using a weak field that causes a resonant effect. This alters the molecular structure of the fuel, leading to more efficient combustion. These principles are based on similar physical concepts that were awarded a Nobel Prize in 2022. In addition to improving combustion efficiency, this also reduces emissions into the atmosphere.
Differences from competitors:
The main difference between our catalyst and what our competitors sell under the same name is that our catalyst is applied externally. It works without changes to the fuel supply system or engine, and it also functions without adding additives to the fuel. In both cases, there is a risk of damaging the engine and the fuel supply system, or voiding the manufacturer's warranty. With our system, this risk does not exist!
Test results:
A Swiss fuel laboratory, which tests the full spectrum of refined fuels (gasoline, diesel, heating oil, kerosene, and heavy oil), confirmed a 2% increase in the total calorific value of gasoline after treatment with our catalyst. The resulting fuel economy comes from more complete combustion of the fuel and an increase in the calorific value of the fuel. Field tests and bench tests showed fuel consumption reductions of up to 20%. We are happy to provide you with these test certificates or prove that this also works for your vehicle in the context of a test!
Safety guarantee:
Laboratory tests of the fuels refined by our catalyst show that the technical parameters of the fuels continue to meet the legally established standards and regulations. This means that fuel treated with our catalyst can be used in engines without restrictions, and no additional approvals from government authorities or engine manufacturers are required. Our customers are welcome to verify this through their local trusted laboratory and obtain local confirmations of the quality of the treated fuel.
Limitations of our technology:
The fuel retains its altered properties only for a limited time. For this reason, we cannot change the properties of the fuel in the refinery. Our device must be installed on the vehicle to work continuously.
We have identified the following cases where the device does not work as expected:
- In the absence of an intelligent fuel supply system in the engine: These cases are found in simple diesel-electric generators without common rail or similar systems.
- In engines with missing or outdated sensor technology: The fuel supply system does not detect that better combustion is taking place and therefore does not automatically regulate the fuel amount.
- In large power plants with gas turbine engines: The observed fuel efficiency ranged from 1% to 5%, depending on weather conditions. We assume that the gas flow was very fast, so our catalyst did not have enough time to alter the gas's properties. This is at least the only logical explanation, as the catalyst worked as expected with LNG and LPP (liquefied gas). Further tests, possibly with more or stronger catalysts, are still pending.
- Material type of your fuel tank: While cars mostly have plastic fuel tanks, trucks often have aluminium tanks. Due to the reflective properties of aluminium, we had to slightly modify the device to ensure its effectiveness.
Our technology is copy-protected and does not require patent protection, which would need to be extensively monitored and legally enforced. For this reason, we even provide samples of our catalysts without requiring confidentiality agreements, etc.
Test / Certificates
The following test / certificates demonstrate the guaranteed effectiveness of our contactless fuel catalysts:
- Kraftstofflabor Intertek Schweiz AG:
Document here: Before / After - Detailed bench test (militär):
Document here: Test certificates - Strassentest Skoda Kodiak RS 2.0 TSI 245PS Jg.2023 (Original)
Document here: Vergleich aus Herstellerapp
Still skeptical!?
No problem—how about validating the results with a live test on your vehicle? We have no problem with that!
Model Overview
Our devices are available in a passive and an active variant.
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Passive devices (R7)
The passive variant R7 does not require an external power supply and is available in two versions:
- For plastic and iron tanks, for connection to the negative terminal of the battery.
- For aluminum tanks, for external connection to the fuel tank.
For fuel tanks larger than 45 cm, multiple devices are recommended, or the use of active devices is suggested.
Installation is simple and can be performed by anyone:
- Connection complies with all European and US regulations.
- Requires no maintenance.
- Lifespan: 10 years.
- Operating temperature range: -60 to +120°C.
- Operational range: 45 cm.
- IP69K compliant.
- When attaching the device to the fuel tank, savings are higher if the tank is refueled when not empty but at least 25% full. The remaining fuel will mix with the new fuel, and the structuring of the entire fuel happens much faster. With an empty tank, expect a structuring time of 12 hours.
If the devices are attached both to the battery and the fuel tank, this restriction does not apply.
Active devices (R3/R5)
Active devices are available as R3 (via USB connection) or R5 (autonomous via AA batteries).
- Effective range: up to approximately 30 meters.
- Power consumption: 50 mA, 0.25 W.
- Frequencies: 40 Hz to 800 kHz.
Not subject to Directive 2014/30/EU in Europe. Mobile phones emit signals ten times stronger, meaning an R3 or R5 nearby is ten times less harmful than carrying a mobile phone in your pocket.
We are in close contact with many testing laboratories. Upon request, we can arrange additional tests at any leading laboratory.
The price of our devices depends on the quantity purchased, the engine/vehicle type, and the chosen payment model.
We are happy to provide you with a suitable quote upon request.
Potential Savings
The economic benefits of installing our devices can be illustrated for trucks as follows:
- Truck with an average diesel engine:
- Consumption: 30 liters per 100 km with a fuel price of 2.-- CHF or 1 USD per liter
- Monthly mileage: 10,000 km (consumption 3,000 liters, i.e., 6,000.-- CHF or 3,000 USD)
- Annual mileage: 120,000 km (consumption 36,000 liters, i.e., 72,000.-- CHF or 36,000 USD)
The average savings from using our devices amount to up to 20%.
Calculating a guaranteed 10% savings results in a reduction of 7,200.-- CHF or 3,600 USD for trucks. Over a total lifespan of 10 years, this amounts to 72,000.-- CHF or 36,000 USD.
Similarly, this can be calculated for cars, motorboats, and airplanes, taking their specific conditions into account.
Contact details
If you are interested in our contactless fuel catalysts, please send an email to "Info at ChipTuningPower.COM" with your contact details and the keyword "Fuel Catalysts."
We will get back to you shortly.
Thank you very much.
Beware of Counterfeits!
Our technology is reliably protected against copying and has no analogs or competitors in the world.
A counterfeit can only be an external imitation. Such a copy will not work. Please report any counterfeits to us.